Somalia: Puntland is stronger than the Dam Jadid Manifesto [Editorial]


GAROWE ONLINE EDITORIAL | The "fowdo" (chaos) presidential candidates emerged - playing the Dam Jadid Manifesto - and hoping for a Barre Hirale-style move: declare the 2014 election illegitimate, declare "multiple presidents of Puntland", and declare allegiance to Dam Jadid.

On November 8, 2013, Garowe Online editorialized, regarding Puntland presidential candidates 2014: "...are they genuine presidential candidates with Puntland's best interest at heart, or simply political opportunists exploiting the moment?"

Today, some of Puntland's presidential candidates 2014 declared their "own vetting committee" - a surprise move, perhaps intended to disrupt the smooth flow of the electoral process in Puntland. A surprise, indeed, as Puntland has held similar political processes and presidential elections most recently in 2005 and 2009, with a clear trajectory of political developments that transpired under law, with legitimacy and in a state of peace and security. A surprise, indeed, as Puntland stands today as the defender of security and Somali solidarity in a federal system, and promotes a development agenda.

Most surprising, indeed, that Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali (Gaas) is among the eight names (out of 20 or so presidential candidates in Puntland), who signed this document that nominates members to an illegal Vetting Committee. Dr. Gaas, as a former Somali Prime Minister, should know the difference between what is law and procedure, and what is hearsay and wishful thinking. Puntland President Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed Farole nominated a 7-member Vetting Committee and a secretary on Dec. 3, after broad consultations with civil society in Puntland. The end result was a Vetting Committee widely accepted and praised for their neutrality and lack of association with Farole's administration. Moreover, former Puntland Presidents Mohamed Abdi Hashi and Mohamud Muse Hersi nominated Vetting Committees in 2004 and 2008, so President Farole did not do anything new in the political system of Puntland.

What the presidential candidates could have done is question particular characters of the Vetting Committee nominated by the Puntland President. Are there any conflicts of interest? Instead, some of the presidential candidates opted for the road that promotes political instability and lawlessness. But we believe that Puntland is much stronger, Puntland today is a State, and the clans are united behind a State that protects them, promotes their development and demands the people's rights. This is the State of Puntland.

If President Farole did not do anything new, then some of the presidential candidates did something new by nominating their own vetting committee. One wonders: in appointing such a committee, what reference points do some of the presidential candidates have? Will they reference the Puntland Constitution? Or will they reference the Dam Jadid Manifesto - a Mogadishu-centric, clan domination-driven version of the "Communist Manifesto"? The same Dam Jadid Manifesto that failed in Jubaland State, and the regions of Lower Shabelle, Middle Shabelle, Bay, Hiraan, and Mogadishu was loudly.

Indeed, many of the presidential candidates have lost their own hopes for an election victory and credibility in Puntland. They rushed to Puntland, fuelled by an imaginary opposition to the situation in Puntland: "the people hate Farole" and "the people need change" - the anthems of the "opposition", but a dose of reality on the ground was clearly suffice.

The "fowdo" (chaos) presidential candidates emerged - playing the Dam Jadid Manifesto - and hoping for a Barre Hirale-style move: declare the 2014 election illegitimate, declare "multiple presidents of Puntland", and declare allegiance to Dam Jadid's political sabotage of federalism, undermining of Puntland and Jubaland, and get support to fight against any legitimate authority in Puntland.

Not all of the candidates support chaos, however, and the coming days will set a clear line amongst the candidates. To the candidates who support constitutional rule, peaceful elections and pursuit of development, we say welcome to the Puntland political system and best of luck in your electoral endeavor. To the candidates who joined the unfortunate "fowdo group", we say you are from Puntland, and the peace and prosperity in Puntland is in our collective interest, so do not be the one who falls into the trap of the Oreo Cookie: Puntland on the outside, something else on the inside.

We are always Puntland - inside and out.

Garowe Online Editorial
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