Somalia: Ethiopian troops in deadly battle with Al Shabaab, Dhabdhure town liberated


HUDUR, Somalia March 5, 2013 (Garowe Online)-Ethiopian-AMISOM forces seized Bakool region town of Dhabdhure of southern Somalia from Al Shabaab fighters after heavy fighting raged between the two sides in the outskirts of the liberated town on Wednesday, Garowe Online reports. 

According to witnesses, infantry divisions from the neighboring country of Ethiopia and battle tanks  poured into Dhabdhure.

“Ethiopian soldiers in AMISOM military uniform entered the town and they have been stationed at specific locations,” Dhabdhure resident said via telephone, adding that many people vacated their homes overnight on Tuesday. 

Somalia Federal Government officials in Baidoa say, dozens of Al Shabaab militants were killed in the battle: “Dhabdhure was a key stronghold for Al Shabaab, they were orchestrating armed violence from hideouts in and around the town,” Somali military commander who asked to remain anonymous told the local media during Wednesday interview. 

A spokesman for the Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab group confirmed that the fighting was fierce but refused to give further details on the seizure of Dhubdhure town. He said Al Shabaab fighters repeled an attack on their bases. 

Independt sources in Bakool region tell GO that Somali government forces in company with Ethiopian-AMISOM forces are advancing on Hudur where Al Shabaab captured in March 2013 following a surprise Ethiopian troops pullout.

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