Djibouti Expresses Concern Over Growing Somalia-Eritrea Relations


DJIBOUTI (GO) – Sources close to Villa Somalia and the Djiboutian government have confirmed to Garowe Online that a formal complaint has been lodged with Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud following his meeting with Djibouti’s President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh. The complaint reportedly centers around Djibouti’s growing concerns over the strengthening relationship between President Hassan Sheikh and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki.

According to reports, President Guelleh directly conveyed his unease about the increasing influence Afwerki has gained through Somalia’s cooperation. Guelleh specifically raised concerns about the recent tripartite summit held in Eritrea, which included leaders from Somalia, Egypt, and Eritrea, questioning why the meeting was not hosted in Mogadishu but instead in Asmara.

Relations between Djibouti and Eritrea have long been strained, primarily due to territorial disputes, and the two countries have experienced ongoing tensions for years. Djibouti is now reportedly worried that Somalia’s close ties with Eritrea could further undermine Djibouti’s standing in the region.

Since Hassan Sheikh assumed office, Somalia’s foreign policy has reportedly caused some instability in its international relations, particularly with regional neighbors. The newfound relationship with Eritrea has escalated tensions, not only between Somalia and Djibouti but also with Ethiopia.

Garowe Online

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