One killed as Somali official survives bomb attack


MUQDISHU, Somalia Feb 3, 2015 (Garowe Online)-One person has been killed and several others wounded in a car bomb attack in Mogadishu, officials said Wednesday Garowe Online reports.

The bomb which was concealed in a vehicle owned by a government official was detonated by remote control in Karan district. The official escaped unharmed; however, the blast killed a nearby pedestrian.

Ahmed Hassan, the district's commissioner told reporters the blast harmed only civilians, with authorities launched investigations to apprehend the culprits behind the attack.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack which carries the hallmarks of Al-Shabab which is fighting the Somali government and the African Union forces in Somalia.

The blast occurred as state leaders from Puntland and Jubbaland administrations arrived in Mogadishu for talks with Somalia's leaders on Wednesday.


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