Somalia: 11 killed as allied forces clash with Al Shabaab in Bakool


HUDUR, Somalia, February 28, 2015 (Garowe Online)-At least 11 people died after Somali government forces aided by African Union peacekeepers raided Al Shabaab bases in Bakool region of southern Somalia on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

Somali National Army (SNA) commander in Bakool Abdirahman Mohamed told the media that fierce fighting in El Bar area left 8 militants dead and scores wounded.

Meanwhile Al Shabaab operations spokesman Abdiasis Abu Muscab claimed victory against the allied forces, saying they killed ten soldiers and destroyed several military vehicles.

Mohamed added that only three soldiers were killed and two others were wounded in the battle.

Following severe setback on the frontline in central and southern Somalia, Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab group reverted to hit-and-run attacks.


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