Somalia: Al Shabaab militants take back Strategic Kudhaa Island


KUDHAA, Somalia Nov 8, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Somalia’s Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab militants have taken back strategic Island in Lower Jubba region of southern Somalia from Jubaland forces on Saturday morning according to residents, Garowe Online reports.

Al though Al Shabaab severed telecommunication lines, initial estimates unveil at least 23 deaths.

The retake of Kudhaa Island came after heavily armed Al Shabaab militants launched raid on Jubaland forces positions.

Heavy gun-battle that lasted nearly three hours flushed Jubaland forces out of the key bastion.

Jubaland administration officials were not quick to talk to Garowe Online on the seizure but torrential rains which caused cave-ins on the roads leading to Kudhaa hampered reinforcements.

Kudhaa, 45 km south-west of the southern port city of Kismayo fell to Kenyan-AMISOM peacekeepers and Jubaland forces on 1st of November ,and had since been a spot for illegal charcoal exports.

Beleaguered Al Shabaab fighters have shifted balance southwards towards fertile hinterland along Jubba River, opting for unprecedented guerilla warfare.  


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