Somalia: Bomb kills senior Puntland commander


GALKAYO, Somalia, March 1, 2015 (Garowe Online)-A suspected roadside bomb killed a senior Puntland commander in Galkayo town on Sunday, the latest in string of attacks targeting the government's officials Garowe online reports.

Duran Omar, the custom duty chief for Galkayo town was killed after a bomb targeted his car in the centre of the city which has seen deadly attacks against Puntland officials in recent months.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack; however government officials often blame Al-Shabab for such attacks.


Jan 2, 2015 - A blast targeting a car carrying Kenyan teachers killed one and wounded two others.

Jan 17, a hand grenade targets the city's radio station (Radio Galkayo) February 3, the city general accountant survived a murder attempt after a bomb fitted in his car was detonated.

Feb3, gunmen shot and killed Mohamud Diriye, the commissioner of Garsor, the city's main locale. But analysts say the gains made for the past three years seem to have all but evaporated due to the worsening security in the region.

Puntland, a semiautonomous region in northern Somalia has escaped Somalia's decades-old conflict, however, security there deteriorated significantly in 2014 and 2015 amid a heavy anti militants push to defeat the  Al-Shabab militants in the region.


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