Somalia: Intelligence official gunned down in Marka


MARKA, Somalia Nov 9, 2014 (Garowe Online)-As Al Shabaab reverted to planned assassinations, largely in central and southern Somalia, unidentified gunmen shot and killed intelligence official in Lower Shabelle regional capital of Marka of southern Somalia on Saturday evening, Garowe Online reports.

Late Bashir Haji Osman Guule was tracing through Marka’s Wajeer road when assailants armed with pistols approached him according to Marka mayor Mohamed Osman Yarisow.

“[Guule] in his 80s was shot dead on Wajeer Street and we are now investigating the incident,” Yarisow said on Mogadishu-based radio station. 

The attackers fled the scene shortly after the shooting.   

Somali government forces along with African Union peacekeepers dislodged Al Shabaab militants from Mogadishu in 2011.

Ever since, beleaguered Islamist insurgents have targeted government officials and foreigners in broad day-light assassinations.


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