Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb attack kills Intelligence official


MOGADISHU, Somalia Oct 15,2014 (Garowe Online)-National Intelligence and Security Agency official has been killed in Car bomb attack in Mogadishu’s Yaqshid district according to witnesses on Wednesday, Garowe Online reports. 

Local reports say, the suicide bombing also left at least four civilian bystanders dead and seven others including his bodyguards wounded. 

Thunderous explosion could be heard after a suicide bomber in car packed full of explosive hit the official’s luxury car at Afarta-Jardino junction, sources said. 

Security forces cordoned off the roads leading to the blast site by pushing ahead with search operations. 

Nobody claimed credit for the car bomb attack but as has been the case beleaguered Al Shabaab group targets government officials and foreigners in suicide bombings, planned assassinations and military-style ambushes. 

The attack marks the second as car bomb claimed at killed nearly a dozen at a café popular with youth and Diasporans over the weekend after days of relative calm.  




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