Somalia: Somali PM convenes three-day roundtable meeting in Puntland


GAROWE, Somalia Oct 11,2014 (Garowe Online)-Federal Government of Somalia’s Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed along with the President of northeastern state of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali has convened a three-day roundtable meeting in the state capital of Garowe on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

Prime Minister Mohamed whose Mogadishu-based central government has locked horns with Puntland over sharing of foreign aid and Provisional Federal Constitution-which contains clauses that were tampered with without mutual consensus –encouraged the fifteen negotiators representing both sides to safeguard national interests and cooperate with each other in the course of the deliberations.  

“We have the know-how and experience to reach consensus, the agreement should be durable and come into effect right away,” said Somalia Prime Minister.” The negotiating teams will replace each other, some of you will work here in Puntland while others will work with the Federal Government, henceforth you are expected to leave challenging points aside”.

Watershed moments

Though, Mogadishu-based Federal Government is grappling with violent extremism, rampant corruption, recurrent inter-clan feuds-mainly in Lower Shabelle region- visible clout of former warlords and precarious security situation in and around key targets, the need for good ties with Federal states remains utmost priority.

Prime Minister says, Issues pertaining to Provisional Federal Constitution (PFC), bolstering of bilateral relations and Foreign aid quotas would dominate agendas during the three-day gathering at Health ministry headquarters.

Meanwhile, Puntland President has insisted, he hopes that Somalia Federal Government will address sticking points and engage in more vehement deliberations while speaking at a well-organized event at Puntland State House overnight on Friday.

Mohamed’s Predecessor Abdi Farah Shirdon and Former Puntland President Abdirahman Farole agreed on a 7-point agreement in March 2013 in which Puntland endorsed to award Mogadishu-based Federal Government a share on revenue being generated from airports and seaports.

Puntland has repeatedly accused Mogadishu of failing to properly uphold Federal Constitution and honor sharing of international aid as well as intelligence, implementation of national tariff System, formation of the Upper House and neutralization of Somali National Army.

Somalia Prime Minister, Mohamed later today toured Puntland State Television building, Health Ministry, Environment Ministry, justice ministry and central prison facility where he held discussions with government officials.

During his stay, Mohamed will join Puntland people in marking the founding day of Somalia flag on Sunday. 


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