Somalia: Somaliland, clan militia clash near Buuhoodle


BUUHOODLE, Somalia Feb 18, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Somaliland forces and clan militias loyal to the self-declared administration of Khaatumo clashed in a brief battle near Cayn regional capital of Buuhoodle according to local officials, Garowe Online reports.

The fighting flared up after Somaliland troops began to thrust into Horufadhi village which is situated a few kilometres away from Buuhoodle in search for the capture of Khaatumo officials.

Al though tensions remain high as of today, Somaliland forces faced stiff resistance from armed clan militias on Tuesday afternoon.

Somaliland and Khaatumo fought in sporadic battles, largely in the disputed regions of Sool and Sanaag.

In early 2012, Somaliland suffered major setbacks following deadliest fighting in over two decades in Buuhoodle.

Buuhoodle, a historic town in northern Somalia is a home to Dhulbahante clan which shares a kinship with Somaliland’s arch rival to the east, Puntland. 


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