Ethiopia warns against 'historical enemies' as Egypt set to deploy troops to Somalia


ADDIS ABABA - The Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) army chief Field Marshal Birhanu Jula says his country is prepared to defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty against any infringement by external forces who could threaten it.

In a statement, Gen. Jula accused Somalia leaders of collaborating with external forces who have previously worked 'against us'. Although he did not mention names, Somalia has been courting Egypt for collaboration on defense.

But Jula, who attended the 47th anniversary of the Eastern Command in the Somali region, said his country is prepared to face enemies who might threaten its security. Already, several soldiers have been stationed near the border with Somalia.

Field Marshal Birhanu warned against what he called "historical enemies" aiming to hinder Ethiopia's development, with the support of internal mercenaries and traitors. Egypt is at loggerheads with Ethiopia over the construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam.

The Ethiopian military, he says, will still be committed to regional peace. The country is directly involved in the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) but Somalia insists Ethiopia will not participate in the upcoming new mission in the country.

Tensions have escalated lately between Somalia and Ethiopia after the latter signed an agreement with Somaliland which would see it getting 20 kilometers of the Red Sea for the construction of a military base and port in exchange for recognition of Somaliland as a sovereign state.

However, the matter has angered Somalia, which has reached out to Egypt for protection of its waters. Already, Egypt has dispatched troops to Somalia who is expected to train local forces on air and water skills as part of the defense pact.

The delivery of weapons to Somalia has also been criticized by Ethiopia, which insists Egypt 'is crossing the red line'. Ethiopia views the growing cooperation between Somalia and Egypt as a major threat, particularly given Egypt's concerns over the Nile Dam.


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