

Transition Initiatives for Stabilization Plus (TIS+)

RFP No.                                      OPSC-NBO-RFP-2016-183

Date                                            14 November 2016

Title                                            Stability Perception Assessments - Somalia

Closing Date for Questions    19 November 2016, 2359 hrs (East African Time)

Closing Date                     for Receipt of Proposals 28 November 2016, 2359 hrs (East African Time)

Contact Persons for Questions regarding office, location or admin details TIS+ Procurement Team:                                Email:

Submission of Proposal: Email:     

Anticipated Award:                                 Type Fixed Price Agreement

Delivery Dates:                                       To be finalized prior to signing of the Agreement

Basis for Award:                                     Trade-Off, based on technically superior and reasonable cost consideration.


The goal of TIS+ in Somalia is to promote stabilization through good governance, economic growth,

and addressing gender equality, and at risk youth issues. The TIS+ program has the following four

main objectives:

1. Increase confidence in governance based on equitable participation in decision making and

management of community assets.

2. Empower community and government representatives to engage with private sector and

development actors in a collaborative process for community growth.

3. Increase Somali engagement in creating a more stable future.

4. Support inclusive, sustainable development by reducing gender gaps in stabilization and development.

Click here/below to download the Complete Document

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