
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) intends to update its list of suppliers/contractors/consultants suitable to supply goods, to provide services and/or execute civil works, as may be required for the implementation of FAO activities in Puntland.

Interested firms wishing to register as FAO vendors, are hereby invited to do so at the United Nations Global Marketplace website ( specifically indicating that they register as FAO local/international suppliers.

Once at the above website, interested companies should complete an on-line registration form, following the detailed instructions available at the same website. FAO registered vendors will be regularly invited to participate in future FAO tenders.

Companies which have already been registered as FAO suppliers/contractors/consultants are strongly encouraged to undertake this same registration to update their contacts (address, phone, fax, e-mail, etc.) and business activities.

The categories of goods, works and services FAO regularly procures are as follows:


1.    Field crop seeds (such as Sorghum, Millet, Maize, Groundnuts, Sesame etc.);

2.    Pasture seeds and fodder seeds;

3.    Vegetable seeds (such as Tomatoes, Okra,   Onion, Watermelon, Cucumber etc.)

4.    Agricultural tools, equipment and other farm inputs;

5.    Livestock supplies (such as veterinary drugs, vaccines, community health equipment kits etc.);

6.    Water and irrigation equipment (such as   submersible pumps, vertical water pumps,   water tanks, pipes and accessories);

7.    Field equipment such as plastic sheets,   tarpaulin, mosquito nets, blankets, kitchen sets, hygiene kits, etc.;

8.    Construction materials;

9.    Protective wear and equipment;

10.  Generators, pumps and related equipment;

11.  Computers, photocopiers & other IT related   accessories;

Air conditioning equipment;

12.  Office furniture and furnishing;

13.  Office stationery and printed materials    (brochures, cards, posters, diaries,    calendars, etc.);

14.  Office equipment;

15.  Fuel & lubricants;

16.  Motor vehicles and motorcycles;

17.  Electrical components and fittings;

18.  Vehicles spare parts;

19.  Car accessories (batteries, tires & tubes, etc.)

20.  Fire-fighting equipment;

21.  Office stamps;

22.  Staff apparel (shirts, T-shirts, caps);

23.  Branded items (name tags, cups, pens, brochure holders);

24.  Network equipment (routers, switches, network cards, network cards, firewalls,   modems, DTU, etc.);

25.  Inverters and batteries;

26.  Mobile phones and accessories;

27.  Water hygiene equipment and filters;

28.  Garden and lawn maintenance;

29.  Rental of warehouses and stores;

30.  Supply of 20- and 40-foot containers and   pre-fabricated buildings;

31.  Supply of guts sacks and plastic sacks for   seed packing and trees nursery;

32.  Supply of plastic and aluminum packing   materials;


1. Motor vehicle repair and servicing;
2. Air transport – freight/cargo;

3. Car rental services;

4. Motorcycle repair and servicing;

5. Repair and servicing of generators;

6. Repair and servicing of air conditioners;

7. Servicing of fire extinguishers;

8. Fumigation and rodent extermination;

9. Clearing and forwarding;

10. Engraving of assets;

11. Mechanical and electrical maintenance;

12. Office furniture repair;

13. Maintenance and repair of computer   equipment, printers, scanners, network   equipment, etc.

14. Servicing of communication equipment,   (telephone, satellite phones, VHF & HF   radios and fax machines);

15. General building/property maintenance   works including painting, plumbing, etc.

16. Provision of security services;

17. Legal services;

18. Catering services (conferences, workshops,   training courses);

19. Provision of insurance services;

20. Provision of security services;

21. Road transport –freight/cargo;

22. Translation services;

23. Advertising services;

24. Training and development;

25. Recruitment agencies;

26. Consultancy services;

27. Express mail and courier services inside and   outside Somalia;

28. Cleaning services for offices and FAO utilities;

29. Plant protection and pest management;

30. Superintendence, laboratory testing, quality   control services for seeds, hand tools etc.

31. Electrical services and maintenance;

32. Packing, forwarding, loading, unloading   services in Somalia;


1. Construction of new buildings and related   works;

2. Construction of prefab buildings and related   works;

3. Rehabilitation of old/existing buildings, irrigation and other ifrastucture, and   related works;

4. Refurbishment of premises/offices.

Companies which have completed their on-line registration are kindly requested to notify FAO of their UNGM registration number at the following e-mail address: preferably within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this advertisement.

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