Military court sentences Al-Shabaab militants in Somalia


BOSASO, Somalia - A military court in northeastern Somalia’s state of Puntland has sentenced four Al-Shabaab members, in a milestone that further showcases the country's commitment to defeating the group, which controls large swathes of rural central and southern regions.

The military court slapped Mohamud Mohamed Qayliye with a death sentence for involvement in assassinations in Bosaso, the regional commercial capital of Puntland state in Somalia. The al-Shabaab have for a long time tried to initiate attacks in Puntland.

Three other members of the group have been handed jail terms ranging from 3 to 15 years, and one of them was acquitted of the charges. The military court is one of the trusted avenues for the delivery of justice in a country whose civilian courts are almost dysfunctional.

The men are accused of using their vehicles to transport al-Shabab members from the mountainous area to carry out atrocities against civilians and government officials in the area. They were arrested following two murder cases in Bosaso.

Puntland police also detained a vehicle which is believed to have been used by the men to carry out their operations, as the case commenced. Puntland is one of the safest regional states in Somalia, with minimum cases of Al-Shabaab infiltration.

The Al-Shabaab has often fought with IS-Somalia militants, who are also fighting for control of the country. The government of Somalia has activated operations against the groups, spearheaded by the Somali National Army.

Also participating in the operations are the US Africa Command and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). It is anticipated that by the end of this year, the ATMIS contingent will hand over security responsibilities to SNA leadership.


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