“People may hear your words but they feel your attitude” John C. Maxwell.


GAROWE ONLINE EDITORIAL| Mr. President we hope you bring to Puntland a new way of leading by being inclusive in your decision making to include a wider of spectrum of people and not limiting your circle of advisers to your friends and family, lest you make the same mistakes as your predecessor.

Lead by example by being inclusive, accountable, transparent, vigilant this is a good way to begin your new presidency.

Surround yourself with people of knowledge with spiritual value who are critical thinkers, with emotional intelligence and know how that will add value to you and your responsibility as President.

Be part of your people, don't be hands off, be close and let your constituent be next to you, better yet do something new and make a community open day where the people you represent can visit you and share their thoughts and what ails Puntland with you.

Be a good policy president and one who follows the rule of law with a just eye.

Assure your government and your ministries are competent, transparent and accountable to the highest degree of the law and the constituents.

Puntland will not move forward economically, socially and it will be behind other nations if you don't curb corruption, encourage an honest government that doesn’t use nepotism and favouritism.

Be a leader that has integrity, that inspires others, that is confident to lead and make decision on his own while consulting with good, honest, forward looking people who care about Puntland more than they care about their own interest.

Put the interest of the nation first

Be a leader that delegates and respects those working in his government.

Be a communicator and a problem solver. Don't hide when things get tough. Communicate the issues and be transparent while being grounded and strong.

A strong leadership isn't one that is tyrannical and dictates to people, a strong leader is one who faces his hardest days by being firm, inclusive in decision making and one who is confident enough to have the last say, tough days may be ahead, don't shy away from the tough days, face it head-on, but equip yourself with the tools necessary to resolve the issues.

Be compassionate to change, Puntland needs change (Isbedel Xoogan)  change must begin with the lives of the poorest in our society,  and don't shy away from feeling their pain of poverty, a leader who can share his true honest emotions about an issue is one that relatable.

You are entrusted to the highest office in Puntland, but that office belongs to the people of Puntland, don't close it off and share it alone with those close to you, be open and honest. People can read your attitude, so don’t discount them.

Poor governance ripe with corruption and poorly coordinated, military response and multiple security challenges that stretch the army to the breaking point with unsustainable lives of the former president who lavished himself and close circle while security personal such as police and military were left without salary for months, broke down security apparatus that put Puntland in danger of terrorist groups. Initiate good, grounded security policies that are the effective drivers needed to eradicate these security issues. A safe Puntland will be prosperous,  progressive and a beacon in Somalia.

Remember to thank people who carry your work forward, your success comes from those who work hard to achieve your goals. Put in all your efforts since the saying goes you get back what you put in. Be optimistic, creative and lead Puntland into a better version of how you found it. That is what we will be assessing your presidency on.

We will assess your presidency on increased productivity, enhanced infrastructure, upgraded schools and education system. Expect great things from your citizens by doing the maximum for their achievements and progress.

Puntland is the largest region in Somalia, its resourceful and has some of the best sea fronts where development and economic empowerment is possible, a good leader is the one that grabs every opportunity. Seize the opportunity Mr. President, make this land better than you found it.

Be the change agent that takes the initiatives to bring about peace in the conflict between the regional states and the federal government, this area of your government needs much attention since Puntland is part of Somalia and this conflict is hindering Puntland’s share of the resources the Federal Government accepts on behalf of its regional states. Challenge yourself in all areas of  your presidency and strive. We wish you the best.


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