Somalia: Fake currency gives Puntland Parliament 'pay boost'


GAROWE, Somalia, October 20, 2015 (Garowe Online Exclusive)-Lawmakers in Somalia's Puntland Parliament are getting pay increase amid growing frustration by civil servants and security forces, Garowe Online has learned.

Puntland President, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali has allayed any possible parliamentary debate after holding private meetings with Parliament Speaker Saed Hassan Shire and his deputies in Galkayo ahead of forthcoming session.

Speaker Shire and President Ali initially failed to agree on the pay rise, however lengthy negotiations that saw the second deputy speaker of Parliament Hussein Yasin Haji Dirie involved eased the deadlock.

Puntland Members of Parliament have increased their salary to USD 1400- fourteen times more than -the pays of Puntland Defence Forces (PDFs), who have staged a series of mutinies.

Parliament speaker wanted that their salaries be raised to USD 1400 from the current $1000 against the backdrop of near monthly strikes.

The salary will stay flat until new banknote factory in Bossaso ceases printing, insiders tell Garowe Online.
The first Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Abdihamid Sheikh Abdisalam in part keeps note printing plant running.
Abdisalam, under behind-the-scenes-deal with Ali, traveled to Dubai to talk to Indian experts about procurement, commissioning and ideal configuration of cash factory at the beginning of this year.
Sources, who asked not to be named further disclosed that Parliament speakers will be the highest paid figures in the 66-seat-chamber.
The salary increase is unlikely to spawn debate in parliament amidst growing concerns by Somalia's Federal Government (SFG).
Central Bank Governor, Bashir Isse Ali has expressed uneasiness on the printing, calling the counterfeit currency circulated in business transactions and the country's already ailing economy 'illegal'.
In his last trip to Nairobi, Ali denied that his government prints fake shillings in defiance to national monetary policy.

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