Somalia: Farole off to Djibouti for Guelleh inauguration


BOSSASO, Somalia-Somalia Presidential candidate and the former President of PuntlandAbdirahman Mohamed Farole has jetted off to Djibouti for the fourth term inauguration of Djiboutian strongman President Ismael Omar Guelleh on Saturday, Garowe Online reports. 

Farole flied in the same plane as Puntland President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali at Bossasointernational airport.  

Accompanied by an entourage of ministers, Puntland President told reporters that they will be visiting Djibouti at official invitation. 

On April 9, Guelleh won expected sweeping election victory, the African Union called “credible”. 

The presidential election garnered a 61 percent turnout. During his three-term rule, Guelleh, 68, ran on a record of economic growth in a country of a million people that hosts military bases for the United States, Japan and France.   

Djiboutian contingents serve with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in the battle against Al Shabaab insurgents in central and southern Somalia. 

 In December 2015, victorious Guelleh unveiled his bid to stay at helm for another five-year term, drawing the ire of hapless opposition.


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