Somalia: Puntland State TV ordered not to cover 'hero's welcome' for ex-President


GAROWE, Somalia, July 30, 2015 (Garowe Online)-In an unprecedented move, Somalia's northeastern state of Puntland ordered state-run television not to cover a hero's welcome accorded to former President Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed Farole on Wednesday, Garowe Online reports. 

Dr. Farole who is credited with the region’s overall growth landed at Garowe airport as thousands of people carrying his portraits lined up along the city’s main streets for rosy welcome. He waved at them from his motorcade window while crawling through the city’s main road leading into his residence.

Sources within Puntland State TV management told Garowe Online that Information Minister Mohamud Hassan So'adde directed station journalists to refrain from recording Farole’s grand return for the first time since tightly contested regional elections in early 2014. 

In the eyes of many, former Puntland president, also a federalist earned praise for turning the region from an average region to a visible power that has played unwavering role in Somalia's state building process. 

Upon his arrival in Puntland, Farole was received by top government officials including parliament speaker Saed Hassan Shire, ministers, legislators, ministries directors and army chiefs.

During his tenure of office, Farole granted his rival election contenders, including the current president Abdiweli Gaas equal access to state television and radio. Puntland TV regularly covered presidential campaigns across the region.

Critics lash out at president Ali for political shortcomings and wanning clout in negotiations with UN-backed central government.


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