Somalia: Puntland, Khaatumo leaders meet in Mogadishu


MOGADISHU, Somalia, December 13, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Puntland President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali has held surprise meeting with the leader of self-declared Khaatumo administration Ali Khalif Galaydh in Mogadishu, Garowe Online has learned.

The two men met in the presence of Federal Members of Parliament and Jubaland leader Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) at Prime Ministry residence as rumors over a new push for interim administration in disputed Sool and Sanaag regions continue to surface.

Galaydh bashed Puntland for becoming stumbling block to Khaatumo, asking Ali to recognize his administration.

Ali told former professor and Federal MP to first off secure communal confidence by locals in the phantom state.

The meeting comes in the midst of reports alleging that Somalia Federal Government is seeking to rally around Khaatumo ahead of 2016 elections.

Sool and Sanaag politicians drew ire of some clan elders after calling for new federal state in the two regions at Nairobi gathering.

In August 2014, Galaydh was elected president by delegates.

The controversial politician carved Khaatumo out of Puntland, endeavoring for exercise for substantial autonomy ever since.

Puntland, Somaliland and Khaatumo are vying for broader military presence in the extremely volatile regions. 


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