Somalia: Puntland President fires top security commanders


BOSSASO, Somalia-The President of Somalia’s Puntland Government Abdiweli Mohamed Ali has fired two senior security commanders in a step towards major police reform on Sunday, Garowe Online reports. 

Police Boss Abdirizak Mohamud Yusuf, and the commander of Paramilitary Birmadka Forces Osman Hassan Uke were both removed from their posts following a recommendation delivered by a fact-finding committee established by Puntland President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali on May 5. 

Ali appointed former Mudug Governor Abdulkadir Shire Farah (Ereg) as a caretaker Police Commissioner.  

On May 14, Garowe Online learned that Ali was pondering a decision on the two commanders allegedly blamed for responsibility for a crossfire of shootout that left Puntland Security Minister Abdi Hirsi Ali (Qarjab) wounded.  

Qarjab is recuperating at a hospital in Djibouti after a shot penetrated into his thigh duringgunfire in the base of paramilitary units in Bossaso port city. A commander succumbed to gunshot wounds, and five soldiers sustained injuries in the incident. 

Puntland President says, the sacking is a key step to implementing a package of security reforms.


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