Somalia: Puntland, Jubaland sign key agreement


KISMAYO, Somalia, March 6, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Puntland Government in northern Somalia and interim Jubaland administration on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding on regional co-operation in the southern port city of Kismayo, Garowe Online reports.

Following a three-day official visit by Puntland President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali to Jubaland, the two sides clinched the critical agreement on vision 2016, security and bolstering of regional trade.

On vision 2016, in step towards inclusivity Puntland and Jubaland underlined their keenness on the realization of the national timetable, and unveiled that they need to partake in the finalization of the Provisional Federal Constitution (PFC).

Under the MoU, the two federal states would have representives in national security committee, boundary and federalization commission and Independent National Electoral Commission.

On the management of natural resources, the new agreement reveals that Puntland and Jubaland are adhering to same standpoint on issues pertaining to the deals with commercial oil exploration companies in line with the federal constitution.


Puntland and Jubaland called for national conference on the composition of Somali National Army (SNA): “The parties agreed to share intelligence and unite against terrorist elements whatever they go by name,” read the MoU.

According to the bilateral agreement, Puntland will train Jubaland police forces at Armo police academy, with the two urging Mogadishu-based central government to evenly distribute national-level trainings to the member states.

Trade ties strengthening

In economic development circles, Puntland and Jubaland chambers of commerce and the states’ respective ministries have been set to forge unique partnership and lower tariffs on imported and exported goods to be exchanged between the two states.

In the MoU, besides both sides will be opting for institutional building and information-sharing when the terms come into effect.

Meanwhile, Puntland and Jubaland called on warring sides in central Somalia to desist from hostility.

Shortly after presiding over the ceremony marking the singing of the Memorandum of Understanding with Madobe, President Ali returned to the state capital of Garowe.


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