Al-Shabaab commanders surrender to Somali army amid offensive


MOGADISHU, Somalia - The government of Somalia has received a huge boost after two high-ranking Al-Shabaab fighters surrendered, in the latest move which bolsters the fight against the militants, who are hell-bent on toppling the government.

According to reports, the two ranking members of Al-Shabaab surrendered to the Somali National Army in Bulo Marer District within the Lower Shabelle region, where they have traditionally supported the activities of the group.

Government sources identified the two as Abdi Mohamed Araaye, who was in charge of the militant group’s finances and extortion ring and had been a member of the group for 14 years before he decided to quit the notorious group which is dominant in central and southern regions.

Another one was identified as Khalif Mohamed Abdi alias Khalid, who had been a member of the Al-Shabaab for ten years and also surrendered to the armed forces, specifically the 19th unit of the 3rd brigade. He was in charge of attacks against the people.

For the last two years, several Al-Shabaab militants have surrendered to the government which gave amnesty to those willing to discard violent extremism. Intensive operations are going on in central and southern regions.

On Monday, the Somali National Army killed over 135 Al-Shabaab militants in three separate locations within Jubaland state. This was the highest number of militants killed within this yet as the national army and regional forces intensified the crackdown.

The government forces repelled the attacks and safely detonated four car bombs around 80 km (50 miles) southwest of the port city of Kismayo in Jubbaland State. Jubaland and Southwest states are experiencing the second phase of the crack against the militants.


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