Djibouti: We are not responsible for Somaliland woes


NAIROBI, Kenya - Djibouti has distanced itself from the remarks made by Somaliland leader Muse Bihi Abdi, who accused the Horn of Africa nation of allegedly fueling instability in Somalia's state of Somaliland.

Djibouti's Minister of Finance of Djibouti, Ilyas Musa Dawaleh, said Bihi's remarks were misplaced, adding that Djibouti has for a long time maintained respect and peace within the volatile region in the Horn of Africa.

The minister emphasized that Djibouti remains a beacon of peace, hope, and stability within the continent, adding that it has embraced brotherhood when dealing with neighbors, including Somalia, whose internal affairs have often brotherhood Djibouti.

"Regretting false and baseless accusations coming from Somaliland officials. Djibouti is a place of togetherness and regional integration. An anchor for regional peace and stability. Not the other way round," he posted on X social media platform.

"Let us make it crystal clear, we will always remain a beacon of regional dialogue, not a place of regional fragmentation. We value the principles of togetherness and always remain out of our neighbors' internal affairs," he added.

Dawaleh urged the Somaliland officials not to involve Djibouti in their internal politics or campaign agenda. "Keep in mind, yesterday we were accused of supporting Somaliland against the SSC Region," he said.

Things have gone south between Djibouti and Somaliland since the latter signed an agreement for access to the Red Sea with Ethiopia. Djibouti, which firmly supports Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, has been the gateway for the landlocked Ethiopia.

Despite Dawaleh's denial of Somaliland's accusations, leaders of the Awdal State Movement (ASM) are currently in Djibouti. A number of them were sighted holding a party within Djibouti over the weekend.

Somalia has remained consistent about Somaliland’s 'illegal' deal with Ethiopia and vowed to protect its borders, a move opposed by the breakaway region. Djibouti is one of the countries supporting Somalia’s independence and sovereignty, ruling out Somaliland’s quest for statehood.


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