New airstrike in Somalia kills dozens of Al-Qaeda-linked militants


MOGADISHU, Somalia - A new operation carried out by the Somali National Army (SNA) with assistance from international partners left over 30 Al-Shabaab militants dead, a new report indicates, showcasing the commitment to defeat the group.

The airstrike was activated within the Rage Baris area in Galgadud, central Somalia, just near the notorious Middle Shabelle area, state media reported, confirming the death of close to 30 Al-Shabaab fighters operating within the region.

"Nearly 30 Al-Shabaab terrorists were killed last night in a planned operation conducted by the National Armed Forces, backed by international security partners, in the Rage Baris area between Galgadud and Middle Shabelle," state media reported.

"Two trucks and one Toyota pickup technical were destroyed," the statement further read, while appreciating the effort by the Somali National Army along with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) troops and the US Africa Command.

Although the names of the international partners were not immediately availed, the US Africa Command has traditionally assisted the Somali National Army to execute such actions, while taking caution on possible civilian casualties.

The SNA troops, ATMIS soldiers, and US Africa Command along with the local militia, with special assistance from regional forces, have been fighting Al-Shabaab militants consistently, managing to seize several strategic towns in the process across the country.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has called on young Al-Shabab fighters to surrender to the government as he promises tough operations against Al-Shabab fighters. More fighters have abandoned the frontlines in the last three years.

Somalia has also imposed tough measures on business people and other elements sponsoring Al-Shabaab, closing over 250 bank accounts associated with the fighters and 70 mobile money transfer firms which are also linked to the group.


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