Report: Al-Shabaab using Katyusha rockets in Somalia attacks


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Al-Qaeda linked group; the Al-Shabaab uses Katyusha rockets in shelling Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, a report by the United Nations has revealed, noting that the militants have continued to wreak havoc across the country, mainly targeting security forces and innocent civilians.

Catriona Laing, the UN special representative to Somalia, told the UN Security Council that the militants have specifically been using 107mm rockets, targeting innocent civilians and security teams who are responsible for order and stability across the Horn of Africa nation.

Local security officials mainly attribute al-Shabaab’s shelling in Mogadishu to mortar attacks. Although Mogadishu has remained relatively calm, the militants have often planned for sporadic attacks, killing a number of people in eateries and other joints across the country.

However, Laing’s statement doesn’t say when al-Shabaab started using Katyusha rockets to target Mogadishu, but we know that the group seized one of those rocket launchers on May 26 following the attack on Bulo Marer, and was captured in the purported al-Shabaab video of the attack.

The attack in Bulo Marer manned by Ugandan troops remains the worst raid this year, coming at the time the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia [ATMIS] soldiers are withdrawing in phases. The exit was temporarily halted following a request by the federal government of Somalia.

Souef Mohamed El-Amine, the African Union special representative in Somalia, said Al-Shabaab remains the main threat to Somalia and, presently, the region. In the last three months, while the country has seen Al-Shabaab prove its resilience across some ATMIS sectors, he said, "We do not assess this to be a resurgence of Al-Shabaab".

In response to Al-Shabaab’s resilience, he added, security teams have continued to see the unwavering commitment of the Federal Government in the fight against Al-Shabaab. Currently, there is an active operation within the central and southern regions of Somalia.

According to him, ATMIS has continued to support the FGS-led offensive against Al Shabaab. In this regard, ATMIS launched shaping and clearance operations in all the Sectors, provided artillery support in Maxaas, and undertook the historic inter-sector operation in Califoldheere Forest, he added.

This dislodged Al Shabab from its defensive positions and enabled SSF to achieve considerable operational successes, he said. The second phase of operations against Al-Shabaab is set to target Jubaland and Southwest states of Somalia.


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