Somalia Government Sets Conditions for Potential Talks with Al-Shabaab


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Hussein Sheikh Ali, the national security advisor to the Somali President, clarified that the government is not currently engaged in talks with Al-Shabab. He emphasized that the President has laid out clear conditions for any future dialogue with the group.

"They must sever any link with global terror groups and accept Somalia's territorial integrity. They must be willing to pursue their political agenda peacefully," Sheikh Ali stated, outlining the government's stance on the matter.

This announcement comes on the heels of President Hassan Sheikh's remarks in Oslo, Norway, where he expressed his government's readiness to engage in talks with Al-Shabab. The President indicated that the conclusion of the ongoing conflict would likely involve a negotiation process.

The Somali government's position reflects a strategic approach to addressing the persistent threat posed by Al-Shabab, which has been a significant security concern in the region. By setting these conditions, the government aims to establish a framework for potential talks that prioritizes national sovereignty and peaceful political engagement.

As the situation continues to evolve, the international community will be closely monitoring the developments in Somalia and the potential for dialogue with Al-Shabab. The Somali government's stance underscores the complex challenges in achieving lasting peace and stability in the region.


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