Somalia: Ex-President arrives in Baidoa as presidential campaigns kick off


BAIDOA, Somalia - Former Somalia's President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed will on Thursday arrived in Southwest, a state seen as a battleground in the upcoming polls in the country, which have caused a pre-election standoff in the country, despite protagonists having reached a consensus.

Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, who served as Somalia's president from 2009 to 2012 held a meeting with Southwest State leader Abdulaziz Lafta-Garen in Baidoa, about 250-km northwest of Mogadishu, The upcoming elections dominated the talks.

"The Chairman of the Union of Candidates for the Presidency of Somalia, His Excellency Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, and his delegation are holding a meeting with President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed (Lafta Garen) and other officials from the Southwest Administration," Himilo Qaran party tweeted. 

A fortnight ago, Ahmed visited twice Jowhar, the capital of Hirshabelle, where he keenly monitored local elections which were being conducted ahead of the much-anticipated polls. He decried lack of transparency when candidates allied to Villa Somalia scooped strategic seats.

Southwest has for a long time leaned towards President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who is accused of implanting people believed to be his close allies on the helm. Regional President Lafta-Garen is his close ally and handler after he was imposed in 2018.

During the regional elections in 2018, the government forces with the help of Ethiopian National Defense Forces [ENDF], arrested former Al-Shabaab deputy leader Mukhtaar Robow, who had declared interests in the seat leading to chaos within Baidoa. To date, Robow is still in secret NISA custody.

On Tuesday, Ahmed was picked as the chairman of presidential candidates, yet another indication that he could be fielded as a sole presidential candidate against Farmajo. He enjoys the support of his successor Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire.

The country is set to go for elections from December and MPs will elect a new president on February 8. Farmajo has expressed interest to defend his seat despite unending pressure from the opposition team which accuses him of manipulating the electoral team.


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