Somalia, India to step up investment ties


MOGADISHU, Somalia, November 14, 2015 (Garowe Online)-New Indian Ambassador to Somalia, Suchitra Durai said, her country is keen to step up investment ties with Somalia on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

Durai had remarked this before reporters during credentialing ceremony at Villa Somalia Presidential Compound in Mogadishu.

Indian Ambassador noted that they will assist Somalia in energy and education sectors.

“I am very delighted with our relations with India. More recently, when I visited New Delhi, [Indian] Prime Minister Modi showed off his interest in the establishment of multidimensional partnership which, I believe would benefit Somalia in need of reconstruction and investment,” said Somalia President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

Durai presented her letter of credence to Mohamud.

In October, Indian investors expressed their keenness on Somalia’s sugar industry.

Twice, Indians toured former sugar mill in agriculture-rich town of Jowhar and some would-be hectares for sugarcane plantations.

On October 29, Mohamud attended third India-Africa partnership forum im New Delhi. 


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