Somalia: Jubaland leader, Gedo politicians to close deal


KISMAYO, Somalia, November 8, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Jubaland President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe) and rival politicians negotiated key terms, eyeing official agreement in the southern port city of Kismayo to close the deal, Garowe Online reports.

Deputy Governor of southwestern Gedo region, Abdirahman Abdullahi Bakal has announced that they have hoisted Jubaland flag for the first time in the regional capital, Garbaharey.

Jubaland Vice President Gen. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismael (Fartag) has brokered the much anticipated agreement as he spent nearly two months in Gedo.

Fartag met with political and community leaders to overcome political differences between the two sides.

If sealed in the coming days, the deal will break a two-year long deadlock, analysts said.

Jubaland gained its recognition from Mogadishu-based Federal Government in August, 2013 following IGAD-brokered bilateral talks in Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.


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