Somalia Mandates Somali Flag for Vessels in Its Waters Amid Regional Tensions


MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali government has introduced new regulations requiring all vessels navigating its territorial waters to hoist the Somali flag, aiming to bolster national security and assert sovereignty over its maritime domain.

The directive, announced by state media on Saturday, September 1, 2024, mandates that ships must also notify Somali authorities and comply with procedures set by the Ministry of Ports and Maritime Transport.

This move comes in the wake of heightened regional tensions, particularly following an agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland, which Somalia considers a part of its territory. The agreement, which allows Ethiopia access to the Red Sea via Somaliland's Berbera port, has been a point of contention, leading Somalia to recall its ambassador from Ethiopia for consultations.

The new maritime policy is also set against the backdrop of a defense and economic cooperation agreement with Turkey, ratified weeks ago. This framework allows Turkey to assist in building, training, and equipping the Somali navy, with implications for maritime security operations in Somali waters. Turkey's involvement includes a mandate to protect Somali waters, potentially escalating its naval presence in the region.

The directive's impact on ships docking at Berbera port remains ambiguous, as flying the Somali flag there could be contentious given Somaliland's self-declared independence and its distinct flag.

Further exacerbating regional dynamics, Egypt's recent delivery of military aid to Somalia, the first in over four decades, signals shifting alliances and could further strain relations with Ethiopia.

The Somali government's actions, including the flag mandate and the erasure of Somaliland references from business operations, underline its efforts to reinforce national unity and territorial integrity amidst these complex geopolitical maneuvers.

Reporting by Omar Nor

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