Somalia: PM expected to form new cabinet in two weeks


MOGADISHU, Somalia Jan 17, 2015 (Garowe Online)-Federal Government of Somalia’s Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmaarke has dissolved his 59-member cabinet, clearing the way for the formation of new government in two weeks on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

In a letter written to the 275-seat-chamber of Parliament, Prime Minister Sharmarke said he needs two weeks to launch review into the ministerial portfolios.

192 MPs out of the 202 present in the parliament hall endorsed the request for further review.

Sharmarke, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Parliament Speaker Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari are said to have agreed on the mass dissolution.

Fears over planned parliamentary vote went viral in Mogadishu after overwhelming majority of Somali lawmakers turned down request for deadline extension on Thursday.

Four ministers-Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir, Justice Minister, Abdikarin Hussein Guled, Interior Minister, Hussein Abdi Halane, Finance Minister and Abdullahi Mohamed Ali (Sambaloshe), National Security Minister- who are President Mohamud’s closest henchmen are likely to be cleansed of the next lineup.

Somalia has been grappling with political infighting, with international partners in fear for the fate of the country’s timetable towards election by 2016.

Garowe Online

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