Somalia: Political wrangles split Somaliland parliament


HARGEISA, Somalia Nov 15, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Bitter wrangles over no confidence motion against Somaliland Parliament speaker and Wadani opposition Party leader Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi (Irro) continue to split the assembly into factions, Garowe Online reports.

As part of the intense political deadlock, Somaliland's Deputy Security and Internal Affairs Minister Ali Gardheere and Police commander-in-Chief Abdullahi Fadal Iman on Saturday announced that security forces briefly arrested five Members of Parliament for throwing stones at soldiers in front of Hargeisa regional court.

Some sources within the parliament disclosed that the detained lawmakers-Saed Elmi Roble, Bashir Tukale, Mohamed Salah, Ibrahim Mahdi Buuba and Nasir Ali Shire-were supporting Speaker Irro who is facing tough opposition from ruling party MPs.

Pro-opposition leader Parliament secretary Abdirasak Saed Ayanle is also being held at Hargeisa central prison, security sources added.

Speaking at a press conference at Imperial hotel in Somaliland capital of Hargeisa, opposition leader Irro noted that security forces denied him entry into the parliament building.

“Heavily armed forces surrounded parliament building, parliament can’t convene since the government used force,” said Irro.

Meanwhile, violent protests in Togdheer regional capital of Burao claimed at killed at least one person and left four other civilians wounded.

Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud (Siilaanyo) called for calm according to a press statement from his office.

“I tell the parliament, you shouldered responsibility to safeguard national interests. You are not expected to engage in dispute and put this nation on the blink,” read the statement.

Nearly 53 MPs representing ruling party of Kulmiy are said to have lodged a no confidence motion against parliament speaker.

Somaliland, located in northwestern Somalia declared its independence from the rest of the country as de facto sovereign state  in 1991 but it has not been recognized internationally yet.


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