Somalia: Puntland, Southwest leaders arrive in Dhusamareeb


DHUSAMAREEB, Somalia - The Presidents of Puntland and Southwest State, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali "Gaas" and Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden respectively arrived in Dhusamareeb town on Wednesday, Garowe Online reports.

Galmudug President Ahmed Dualle Geelle Haaf, the State's Chief Minister Sheikh Mohamed Shakir, Federal MPs and cheering residents have welcomed the leaders upon their arrival at the city's airstrip.

Ali and Aden are among various delegations from the Federal Member States, and international community invited to attend an event that will see the merger of the Galmudug and Ahlu Sunna.

The amalgamation ceremony will be held on Thursday with the presence of Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and other key Federal government officials who reached the town on Tuesday.

The event was expected to take place today, however, it has been postponed to Tomorrow for technical reasons and the absence of some invited dignitaries who did not arrive Yesterday.

Sources tell GO that Puntland President was denied to board a UN plane at Abdullahi Yusuf International Airport in Galkayo after he and his delegate declined to go through the security screening on Tuesday.

The overall Security of the town has been tightened with security officers deployed into main streets, in a bid to prevent possible terror attack by the Al Qaeda-affiliated Al-Shabab militant group during the occasion.



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