Somalia seeks security partnerships with Russia


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia is keen to work with Russia on matters of security, social and humanitarian issues, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has said, noting the critical role Moscow is playing in helping the country to stabilise social-economically.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held a meeting with Russia's ambassador to Djibouti and Somalia Mikhail Golovanov in Mogadishu over security, social, and humanitarian issues, citing the importance of the two countries in collaborating together for the sake of the country's stability.

Hassan Sheikh, state media reported, expressed gratitude to the government and the people of Russia, following their support in debt relief, a process which helped Somalia to reach the HIPC completion point, helping it to secure more development loans and grants.

Hassan Sheikh said Russia’s support has been instrumental in advancing Somalia’s road to economic recovery and stability and highlighted the importance of Russia’s ongoing support in Somalia’s security and counterterrorism operations.

“We are thankful for Russia’s commitment to helping Somalia tackle terrorism and enhance national security,” President Mohamud stated.

According to the second-term president, Somalia will work closely with development partners in pushing for security and stability. The country has been battling against violent extremism for the last two decades, besides internal political instability.

On his part, Ambassador Golovanov reaffirmed Russia’s dedication to supporting Somalia in its efforts to address security challenges and improve social and humanitarian conditions, state media reports.

Russia has lately been exploring ways of venturing into African markets, directly competing with China and the USA. Moscow is also keen to establish a military base within the Horn of Africa, but it has yet to make a decision on the appropriate site.


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