Somalia: Southwest state delegates adopt constitution, select capital city


BAIDOA, Somalia Nov 8, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Despite deeply embedded political division, 370 delegates for the first time adopted Southwest state constitution on Saturday, Garowe Online reports.

“Southwest state administration has been given birth to today,” said Mohamed Nur who has been attending a month-long convention aimed at the formation of a federal state consisting of Bay, Bakool and Lower Shabelle regions.

Political and community leaders representing-the three regions- while debating the future capital of the third newest autonomous state, pointed fingers at former Al Shabaab hub and the coastal town of Barawe.

Meanwhile, the political infighting between President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed might have put three-region state formation on the blink following the recall of Federal Government of Somalia’s officials from Baidoa.

Former parliament speaker and the political opponent of the sitting Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari is among the favorite front-runners.

Yesterday’s adoption in Baidoa signals a major milestone in the country’s loose federalization process.


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