Somalia: Warm welcome for Puntland President in Jubaland


KISMAYO, Somalia, March 3, 2015 (Garowe Online)-The President of Somalia’s north eastern state of Puntland Abdiweli Mohamed Ali has arrived at official invitation in the southern port city of Kismayo on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports.

The 28-member delegation led by President Ali was welcomed at Kismayo airport by Jubaland President Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam (Madobe), Second Vice President Abdulkadir Haji Mohamed (Lugadere), cabinet ministers, traditional leaders and crowds dancing to the traditional Somali dances.

State Minister for International relations Mohamed Abas Omar, Information Minister Abdiweli Hirsi Abdulle (Indhoguran), Minister for fisheries Abdinur Elmi Bindho and well known Puntland clan elders including Islam Isse Islam Mohamed and Ugas Hassan Ugas Yasin are accompanying Puntland president on first visit to Jubaland.

Ali and Madobe walked past honour guard staged by a division from Jubaland forces shortly after Puntland delegation’s arrival at Kismayo international airport.

Before jetting off at Garowe airport, Puntland leader said his visit is a historic and he would discuss areas of mutual concern with Jubaland officials during a three-day stay in the southern port city of Kismayo.

Bilateral talks are expected to touch on consolidation of Jubaland peace process, fight against Al Shabaab militants, strengthening of ties and regional co-operation.

Speaking at a joint press conference with Puntland president in Kismayo, Jubaland leader praised the north eastern state for its role in helping Jubaland stand on its feet in 2013.

Puntland President’s visit to Kismayo marks the first since being elected to the post in January 2014.


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