Turkey starts exploration of Somalia oil


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Turkey has begun exploring Somalia’s oils within the 3,333-kilometer coastline, a significant step towards securing its energy potential, a move geared towards helping Somalia handle social-economic challenges.

The country is dispatching a research vessel dubbed Oruc Reis, which shall explore the lengthy coastline as the Horn of Africa nation solves its economic challenges. Somalia believes the exploration will be key to improving the economy.

Somalia Petroleum Ministry director Mohamed Hashi has confirmed Turkey’s plan, Bloomberg reports. Turkey is keen to maintain its presence within Africa, a continent believed to be rich in mineral resources.

The venture into Somalia’s oil sector is part of Turkey’s ongoing efforts to extend its global influence and comes at a time when the country is actively seeking to mediate a territorial dispute between Somalia and Ethiopia.

Previous studies show that Somalia is full of oil deposits and should Turkey manage to broker a truce between Ethiopia and Somalia, the benefits could be even more. Somalia has sought help from Turkey to handle Ethiopia's threats.

Turkey has made significant strides in diversifying its energy portfolio, increasing imports from the US, Egypt, Algeria, and Azerbaijan. The exploration in Somalia represents another step towards achieving greater energy independence.

Last year, Reuters reported that Turkey extended its liquified natural gas (LNG) supply deal with Algeria for three years.

In a statement on X, Turkey’s energy minister, Alparslan Bayraktar, said the deal was signed between Turkish government-backed energy company Botas and Sonatrach, an Algerian state-owned oil and gas company.

The agreement sees Turkey continuing to buy 4.4 billion cubic meters of LNG from Algeria annually. The original gas supply agreement between Botas and Sonatrach was signed in 1988, and has since been renewed, Bloomberg adds.

For over a decade, Somalia has closely worked with Turkey in security and development. On the security front, Turkey trains the elite GorGor troops who are responsible for the fight against Al-Shabaab militants, who control central and southern regions.


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