Ugandan soldiers linked to death of farmers in Somalia


MOGADISHU, Somalia - Several Ugandan People's Defence Forces (UPDF) troops have been linked to the heinous murder of two farmers in southern Somalia. An incident that could provoke the country and perhaps have negative ramifications on peacekeeping processes.

The UPDF soldiers are part of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and are responsible for peace and stability in the country. The ATMIS contingent has started strategic withdrawal in line with the Somali Transition Plan (STP).

According to multiple sources, the soldiers entered a farm in Bula Mareer town, Lower Shabelle region, where they killed two farmers and then beheaded them. The 3rd person escaped with wounds, officials said about the incident.

The AU mission in Somalia previously admitted that its UPDF soldiers killed farmers during an operation against al-Shabaab on the outskirts of Golwayn near Bula Marer. The compensation process was activated after an outcry from across the country.

The soldiers involved in the previous incident were handed over to UPDF in Uganda for trial and a number of them were found guilty of killing innocent civilians. The soldiers claimed they had gathered intelligence that the affected were members of the Al-Shabaab.

UPDF contingent is part of the ATMIS troops fighting Al-Shabaab in the Horn of Africa nation and has previously registered incredible gains. President Yoweri Museveni has persistently insisted that the governments within East Africa have a responsibility to support Somalia’s stabilization mission.

The matter is yet to be addressed by the Ugandan People's Defence Forces and the ATMIS contingent despite numerous evidence from locals. The government of Somalia has reiterated in the past that the peacekeeping mission will be succeeded by another local-led mission post-ATMIS exit.


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