Ethiopia Dismisses Somalia's Rebel Support Threat as 'Comical', Heightening Tensions


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia  - In a sharp rebuke, Ethiopia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the African Union, Nebiyu Tedla, has criticized comments by Somalia's Foreign Affairs Minister, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, regarding potential support for Ethiopian rebels. In a post on X, Nebiyu described the remarks as "comical" and accused Fiqi of prioritizing clan interests over national progress.

"It's comical to witness Al-Shabaab agents posing as government officials, who are unable to function effectively outside of Banaadir, babbling hollow nationalism driven by narrow clan centralization," Nebiyu wrote. "Such actions will only undermine years of progress and lead Somalia into the pit."

The controversy stems from Somalia's response to Ethiopia's agreement with Somaliland, which involves Ethiopia gaining access to the sea in exchange for recognizing Somaliland's sovereignty, a move Somalia views as infringing on its territorial integrity. Fiqi had suggested that Somalia might establish contacts with and support rebels in Ethiopia if the agreement with Somaliland proceeds.

During a Universal TV debate on September 12, Fiqi stated, "The option to have contacts with armed rebels in Ethiopia or rebels that are fighting against the Ethiopian regime - if it continues this, to have contact with them is an option open to Somalia." He emphasized, however, that this stage had not yet been reached, indicating a preference for diplomatic solutions but leaving the door open for support to rebels if Ethiopia persists with its plans.

Nebiyu's response not only highlights the escalating diplomatic tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia but also underscores the complex regional dynamics where clan politics and national sovereignty intersect. The Ethiopian official's use of social media to directly address and criticize a foreign minister's policy stance marks a notable escalation in the public rhetoric between the two nations.

This development comes at a time when the Horn of Africa region is already grappling with multiple conflicts and stability issues, with Ethiopia's involvement in Somalia through the African Union peacekeeping mission adding another layer to this intricate geopolitical puzzle.


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