New project set to open Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia's porous border


NAIROBI, Somalia - After years of stalemate in the Horn of Africa over security concerns, a new project is set to open the border connecting Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia, as the three countries find a joint plan to eliminate Al-Shabaab militants who have escalated insecurity within the porous border.

Kenya's Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said the project will improve social-economic gains between the three countries which have borne the brunt of Al-Shabaab heinous attacks that have claimed the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and security forces.

"Infrastructural development is silenced by armed conflicts, we must silence the gun for the industries to roar back, we must silence the violence for socio-economic prosperity," he said.

The U.K.-funded initiative dubbed "Deris Wanaag" in Somali, which translates to "Good Neighborliness," aims to find a lasting solution to the perennial insecurity and instability in the Horn of Africa nations.

Border challenges in the region have been recurring, with Kenya's border with Somalia labeled one of the worst protected areas due to persistent infiltration of the Al-Shabaab. Last year, Ethiopia also survived a scare after the militants crossed over to the Somali region through Dolow town.

Jane Marriott, the outgoing British High Commissioner to Kenya, said the project is a strategic investment in the Horn of Africa region.

"You have numerous challenges together — drought, resource conflicts, armed proliferation, terrorism — but you also have so much that is good and positive together, and it is that we want this program to help bring on," she said.

Somalia Minister for Security Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh said the project is timely and will effectively tackle cross-border insecurity challenges. He said the project will improve social-economic gains, especially for Somalia, a country that has struggled with instability for three decades.

"And in that spirit of collective solidarity, there has never been a better time to forge common destiny and collectively participate in this project to tackle cross-border challenges," Sheikh said.

Kenya has been opening and closing borders with Somalia over security challenges and it is just last year that the two countries agreed on cessation of hostilities, subsequently, opening the border for a smooth trade.


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