No more Independence Day Celebrations in Tanzania, says President


ARUSHA, Tanzania - Tanzanians will not celebrate the 61st Independence Day this year after President Samia Hassan Suluhu canceled the celebrations scheduled for this Friday.

The head of state however has re-directed $445,000, money meant for the celebrations to be used to build dormitories for children with special needs. The 61st Independence Day budget will now be used to build eight dormitories in primary schools across the country.

George Simbachawene-Tanzania’s Minister of State said the money had already been disbursed.

He further revealed that instead of having parades and other national celebrations, the East African country will commemorate Independence Day by having public dialogues on development.

“These debates and conferences will be preceded by various schedules for regional and district leaders to carry out social activities in different areas including cleaning hospitals, schools, elderly homes, and groups with special needs,” he said.

In most African nations, Independence Day celebrations are marked with pomp and state banquets that various heads of state are invited to attend.

In 2015 the then president Dr. John Magufuli canceled the independence celebrations and diverted funds toward the building of a road in the capital, Dar es Salaam.

President Magufuli did the same in 2020 and directed the budget be used to buy medical facilities for different state-owned hospitals and health facilities.


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