OLF calls for calmness between Ethiopia and Somalia


The Oromia Liberation Front (OLF) has called for calmness between the governments of Somalia and Ethiopia, following a controversial deal that triggered conflict within the Horn of Africa, leading to international condemnation.

On Friday, OLF expressed “grave concern” over escalating tension between Ethiopia and Somalia following the signing of an MoU between the Ethiopian government and Somaliland. The movement is one of the main opposition factions in the country.

“We call for calm and understanding from all sides, urging the respect of refugees and civilian citizens on both fronts during these emotionally charged times,” a statement issued on Sunday by the party’s Foreign Relations Office said.

“In the past, similar occurrences between these states have repeatedly inflicted enduring wounds on Oromo refugees and civilians," the statement further read, in what appears to be the first major communication from Ethiopia's opposition faction.

The statement came in the backdrop of growing calls and agitations on social media to expel Ethiopian citizens, in particular the Oromo, PM Abiy Ahmed’s ethnic base, from Somalia. Ahmed has been widely condemned for signing the agreement with Somaliland.

“It’s crucial to recognize that refugees fleeing Ethiopia, whether Oromos or others bear no ill intentions toward Somalia. Many, both refugees and non-refugees residing in the proximity, have coexisted, and are closely engaged in trade, farming, grazing, and worship,” OLF conveyed.

“In this critical time of heightened political tensions, we implore you to protect Oromo and other Ethiopian refugees residing in Somalia”.

The Party urged the international community, and all neighboring countries to intervene “before significant damage befalls the region” as a result of impending conflict, Addis Standard reports.

If implemented, the agreement will see Ethiopia secure 20 kilometers of land along the Red Sea which will host Naval Base. In return, Ethiopia is set to recognize Somaliland as a sovereign state, a move which has triggered outrage in Somalia.


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