Samia Suluhu set to receive final report on constitution review report a head of a possible constitutional referendum in 2025


Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu is set to receive the final report from the task force that seeks to push for a constitutional review.
The task force, chaired by Prof Rwekaza Mukandala, has been gathering views from the public from both mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar since March this year.

This task force was formed by the Registrar of Political Parties last December year and comprises representatives of various political parties, civil society organizations, academicians, clerics, lawyers, and media workers representative groups.

The task force's main mandate was to look into opposition party demands for a new Tanzanian constitution to replace the current one of 1977 and the adoption of independent elections regulatory system to ensure a level political field in future polls after years of dominance by the ruling CCM party.

Both the ruling party CCM and leading opposition party ACT-Wazalendo have backed the research which is supported by Tanzania Centre for Democracy.

Joseph Warioba-former prime minister who led a previous constitutional review process that was aborted said that a “stronger political will” was required to restart the process afresh.

Jakaya Kikwete the 4th former president who formed a Constitutional Assembly that was later dissolved said President Samia had made a “My hope is that the goal of political reconciliation that this exercise is aiming for will eventually come to fruition Wise decision” in allowing the formation of the task force as a way of “reducing political tensions in the country.”

The views collected included those of Tanzania’s former Chief Justice Mohamed Chande who told a press briefing after his September 7 session that he had proposed constitutional amendments to allow for presidential election results to be challenged in court, as is the case with parliamentary poll results.

Tanzania’s current constitution was adopted in 1977 when the country was still a one-party state and has remained the blueprint for successive national elections despite constant opposition demands for amendments that acknowledge the advent of multi-party politics in 1992.


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