Somalia: Ahlu Sunna cleric shot dead in Baidoa, third in month


BAIDOA, Somalia Feb 14, 2015 (Garowe Online)-A cleric aligned with the paramilitary group of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamea was gunned down in Bay regional capital of Baidoa on Friday evening, making the third to be killed within a month, Garowe Online reports.

Late Sheikh Adan War-Isho was shot and killed by two masked gun men who immediately escaped from the scene of the crime on his way home from a nearby mosque according to witnesses.

Southwest state administration officials said, they captured three suspects in subsequent search operation.

On January 18, chairman of Bay’s Ahlu Sunnah umbrella Sharif Siidkey was targeted in similar assassination shortly after evening prayers.

On February 3, unidentified assailants gunned down Sheikh Hassan Hussein of Ahlu Sunnah inside a mosque.

Beleaguered Al Shabaab was not quick to claim credit for the killing of late Sheikh Adan War-Insho.


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