Somalia: Al Shabaab takes Telecom services off air in Bay


DIINSOOR, Somalia Dec 8, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Somalia’s Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab group has taken Hormuud telecom services off the air in Bay region towns of Diinsoor and Ufurow according to reliable sources, Garowe Online reports.

The telecom blackout by militants remains mystery, although Somali government forces aided by African Union peacekeepers are pressing ahead with intense military campaign in central and southern Somalia.

Insiders who spoke to Garowe Online on condition of anonymity because of their safety said, Al Shabaab militants are in fear for looming offensive against their hideouts.

Hormuud, one of the three largest telecommunications operators in the war-ravaged horn of Africa nation has faced similar bans before.

Al Qaeda-inspired group maintains militias presence in some parts of Bay region of southwestern Somalia.

On account of spying, Al Shabaab suspended the use of internet on mobile phones in January, forcing hundreds to flee to volatile Mogadishu where government officials and foreigners are targeted in broad day light attacks.


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