Somalia: Another loud bang in parliament as political crises gain momentum


MOGADISHU, Somalia Nov 24, 2014 (Garowe Online) –Loud bang and shout have on Monday broken out in Somalia parliament as political uncertainty is looming over no confidence vote in Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed, Garowe Online reports.

Shortly after Parliament Speaker Mohamed Shiekh Osman Jawari and his deputies stepped in for the distribution of motion, pro-Somalia Prime Minister Lawmakers began chanting national anthem for the third time and torn no confidence motion papers and registers apart.

 Speaking with Garowe online on condition of anonymity, Federal Member of Parliament said that parliament speaker secretly handed out the files to MPs loyal to Somalia President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

Dahir Amin Jesow, no confidence motion backer told reporters that they have the motion in the hands, and wait for speakers to preside over the debate.

Journalists have been prevented from picturing and recording the parliamentary session.

Pro-Somali Prime Minister Lawmakers are said to have raised banners that read: “Let’s consult and agree,”, and several other slogans in favor of political unity.

Two gathering aimed at ousting Mohamed sparked rowdy atmosphere in the 275-seat-chamber of parliament.

On Friday, north eastern state of Puntland declared that it is deeply concerned with the turmoil, calling on international community to take immediate actions against political spoilers.

UN envoy to Somalia Ambassador Nicholas Kay previously warned of instability, and expressed dismay over apparent vote-buying.


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