Somalia: Central state formation sparks deadly clashes


DHUSAMAREB, Somalia Dec 15, 2014 (Garowe Online)-The formation of Federal state consisting of Galgaduud and Southern part of Mudug in central Somalia has sparked deadly clashes between interest groups as loose federalization process continues to gain momentum, Garowe Online reports.

Last Friday, Somali National Army (SNA) troops clashed with militias loyal to the paramilitary group of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamea in deadly battle in Galgaduud regional capital of Dhusamareb and Guri’el.

A spokesman for Ahlu Sunnah claimed, they killed five government soldiers and accused Mogadishu-based central government officials of fomenting violence.

On Sunday, former warlord Abdi Nure Siyad (Abdi Wal) said that Galgaduud Governor Hussein Ali Weheliye Irfo and Acting Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mahad Mohamed Salad will shoulder the grim consequences of the hostilities.

On Monday morning, credible sources told Garowe Online that Siyad’s militiamen fled to Gel Jire village, 60km west of Guri’el following sudden seizure of his stronghold of Guri’el  by pro-Somalia government fighters.

Clan elders spearheaded by Ugas Hassan Ugas Mohamed Nur are said to have brokered a three-day ceasefire between the warring militias.

“The opposing people are brothers, we have just made efforts to prevent futher blood from shedding and brokered a three-day ceasefire,” Nur told reporters.

The fighting lasted three days ,and dragged into Monday morning after Somali government forces wrested control of Guri’el without resistance.

In Late July, a tripartite deal by Ahlu Sunnah, Galmudug authorities and Himan and Heeb local administration cleared the way for the establishment of new autonomous state.

Protesting the inclusion of north Mudug in the central state map, Puntland withdrew support for Somalia Federal govenrment on July 31.

A coalition of armed opposition toppled the country’s long standing military government in 1991, followed by piracy and more recently surge in extremism.


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