Somalia: Federal Govt, Somaliland agree to resume dialogue


DJIBOUTI, Republic of Djibouti Dec 21, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Delegations representing Mogadishu-based central government and Somaliland’s separatist administration agreed to another round of dialogue at the beginning of 2015 on Sunday, Garowe Online reports.

According to a 6-point agreement jointly signed by Federal Government of Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Somaliland leader Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud (Siilaanyo), the two parties agreed on the resumption of Turkey-brokered bilateral talks on February 26, 27 2015,

On the implementation of previous deals, talks agreed refraining from comments inconsistent with the bilateral talks, everything that could affect the confidence of the negotiating committees and at the same time stressed the need for honor for co-management of national airspace.

“We agreed, the two parties not to politicize humanitarian assistance, and to collectively encourage reconstruction projects, “read the deal. “The two sides agreed on Human rights protection, security co-operation, and to unite against terrorism, piracy and organized crimes”.

Djibouti that hosted the direct talks between Mogadishu-based central government and breakaway Somaliland will participate in the future talks if needed, the third point of the agreement stated.

Meanwhile, the chairman of Somaliland’s Justice and Welfare party Faisal Ali Warabe blamed Ruling Kulmiye Party for sidelining opposition parties in issues pertaining to the nation.

“Somalia-Somaliland dialogue is national issue, bilateral talks had since been inclusive and I was among those who participated in the previous rounds,” said Warabe, adding that they have a right to learn of the agendas in advance of the meeting.

Somaliland, located in northwestern Somalia declared its independence from the rest of the country as de fact sovereign state in 1991 but it has not been recognized internationally yet.


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