Somalia: Former official wounded in Kismayo Gun Attack


KISMAYO, Somalia Dec 23, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Unidentified assailants in a car have wounded former Deputy Mayor of the southern port city of Kismayo Yasin Nur Gas (Raader) in apparently coordinated attack according to medics and relatives on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports.

Gas sustained serious injuries to the upper part of his body after the gunmen sprayed his car with bullets while driving out of Tawakal hotel.

Talking to Garowe Online via telephone, Fadumo Kiin,a  relative said that former Deputy Mayor of Kismayo is in critical condition as the attackers shot him in the head and the stomach.

She added that the wounded is being treated at AMISOM-owned medical facility in Kismayo after private health centers failed to properly attend to the gunshot wounds to the stomach and the head of Gas.

Nobody claimed credit for the shooting but Gas, a well-known politician was targeted in similar gun attack in June 2013.

The scene of the crime is situated a few kilometers away from Jubaland intelligence base.


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